Leash of production with the participation of people today : Feb 23 2025
company working hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7:30 to 15:30

Email : info(at)nked.co.ir

Fax : 32520729

Phone : 32520501 to 2 with prefix 034

Public relations : 32520333 with prefix 034

PO Box : 463-76175

Address : Khajo Street, Tawanir Street, Kerman

Postal code : 7617899443

National ID : 10630103605

Economic code : 411149976597

Website manager

Organizational chart

Communication with managers

Contact with the officials of the vice offices and offices

Communication with service officials


You can meet the CEO of the company on Mondays every week from 7:30 to 12 noon

Go to the address: the end of Khajo St., Tavanir St., Kerman North Electricity Distribution Company - Building No. 1, 1st Floor

Or for more arrangements on Sundays, please call 2-03432520001.


contact us

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