سال تولید، دانش‌بنیان و اشتغال‌آفرین today : Jul 27 2024


Then, in order to provide optimal services, on 10/28/1980, the electricity distribution company of Kerman province was divided into two companies, North and South. And according to the articles of association notified by the Ministry of Energy on 6/12/1985, the North Kerman Electricity Distribution Company independently started its activities in the following areas: Kerman, Rafsanjan, Zarand, Shahrebabak, Ravar, Kohbanan and Anar. The group is the parent company of Tavanir Specialized and its main center is located in Kerman city.

This company develops, builds, modifies and optimizes the network and performs all services related to the operation, repairs and maintenance of the electric power network and facilities, performing all technical, administrative and financial services in the cities of Kerman, Rafsanjan, Shahrbabak, Zarand, Kohbanan, Anar, Raver, Gulbaf, Mahan, Shahdad, Baghein, Chatroud and Rayen in an area of 90,803 square kilometers. The main axes of the company's activity are based on the above responsibilities.




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